Today, advances in surgical techniques and technologies have revolutionized knee replacement surgery, allowing more patients to consider treatment sooner. While concerns and worries are normal when considering surgery, the information listed below may help you with your decision.
Myth No.1:
“Arthritis pain is just a part of aging. It’s just something you leave to live with.”
Reality: With Indian Population touching 1.3 Billions the overall prevalence of Arthritis in the population is 30 %.On the whole one in three above the age of 50 are affected with arthritis.Worst scenario is now a days patients between 30 – 50 years also are developing Osteoarthritis (Wear & tear of Joints). End result India may become Osteoarthritis capital of the world with over 60 million cases by 2025. Factors associated with increased wear & tear of joints are obesity, sedantary lifestyle, Joint injuries / Fractures etc…
Myth No.2:
“A knee replacement won’t feel natural”.
Reality: There have been significant advances in materials, designs and surgical procedures for knee replacement. These significant advances has made the design that closely mimic the feel & movement of an original knee.
Myth No.3:
“I’m too young for a knee replacement.”
Reality: Knee replacement is not based on age, but on the person’s level of pain and immobility. As a result of advances in implant technology, patients may benefit from knee replacement options such as the Rotating Platform (RP) Knee which is designed to help patients move naturally.
Myth No.4:
“I should wait as long as possible to undergo knee replacement surgery.”
Reality: Many patients who could benefit greatly from a knee replacement are worried that they will not be able to comfortably and confidently return to their normal activities of daily living. In fact, delaying surgery lowers a patient’s quality of life not only before the operation, but even for up to two years following surgery according to a study in Arthritis & Rheumatism.However, there is a higher probalility that younger patients may need to undergo a second knee replacement later in life.
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that continues to damage the joint and delaying surgery makes both surgery and return to activity more difficult.
Myth No.5:
“All knee implants are the same”
Reality: Today, knee replacement patients have a choice of knee implant types as well as a variety of implant shapes and sizes designed to accommodate specific needs and different lifestyles. Talk to your orthopaetic surgeon about your individual needs and the clinical history of the implant your surgeon recommends for you.
Osteoarthritis affects people of all ages, and anyone can suffer from the aches and pains associated with the disease.
When you have osteoarthritis, the layers of cartilage can become damaged and wear away, allowing the underlying bones to rub against each other. Degeneration of joint cartilage and changes in the bone and supporting tissues may lead to pain, stiffness and loss of movement in the joint. That condition is known as osteoarthritis, it is often more painfull in weight-bearing joints-such as the hip and knee.
Overall prevalence of knee OA in India is found to be around 30%.That is one in three people above 50 years of age are associated with Osteoarthritis.
Such diseases lead to complete disability of the knee. If the pain is not relieved by medication or physiotherapy for long, a person may be bedridden in the long run. Early diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA) with proper treatment is important for the future of your long-term mobility .If your doctor has recommended a knee replacement. It is important not to delay your surgery. Delaying surgery can lower your quality of life even more than OA done on its own, both before and for up to two years after surgery.
“Have a Painfree Knee”
Dr.Naveen Thiyagu Bashingam
(Gold Medalist)
Senior Consultant Joint Replacement Surgeon
Alpha Ortho Clinic, Puducherry.
Authors Profile:
He is Gold Medalist, Triple Fellowship (Super Specialisation) holder. One fellowship from India and the other two from Germany. He is a passionate person and follows latest evidence based medicine approach in Joint Replacement Surgeries. Also he is a pioneer in Computer Navigation Joint Replacement trained surgery.
For further info check the website: www.drnaveenthiyagu.com
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