

Rotator Cuff Tears : Surgical treatment Options

Rotator Cuff Tear is a common cause of pain & disability among adults. yearly millions of people are affected by this problem.

What is Rotator cuff why is it so important?

During Arthroscopy we visualize every corner of the joint. SLAP tear is repaired arthroscopically. If tear extends into the biceps tendon or if the tendon is detached,we will need to repair and reattach the tendon. Post sugery you need to keep your shoulder in sling for 3 to 4 weeks. Your will also be adviced for gentle, passive, pain-free ROM exercises. Athletics usually begin doing sport – specific exercise 6 weeks after surgery, although it will be 3 to 4 months before the shoulder is fully healed.

For shoulder Arthroscopy / Bankarts Repair/ SLAP Repair

Arthroscopic SLAP Lesion Repair

Shoulder Joint Tear [Gleuoid Labrum Tear]/Bankarts Repair/SLAP lesian repair.

Shoulder Arthroscopy is a wonderful innovation by which we are able to treated unexplored areas which was previously a riddle. We do Arthroscopies regularly in our set up.

Have you been Advised to undergo Sholder Arthoscopy?

Symptoms of the tear is the shoulder socket rin are very similar to other shoulder injuries. Pain usually with overhead activities. Night pains or pain with daily activities
Decreased range of motion of shoulder. Loss of Strength.

Our doctors take a detail history and may evaluate future with X- ray, MRI/ CT Scan.


A tear of the Rim the middle of the Socket. A tear of the rim the middle of the glenoid socket is called Bankarts leisian.

Shoulder arthroscopy

Shoulder Repair Surgery

Shoulder joint is specifically designed for mobility more than stability. Hence the soft rubber bump like structure which prevents ball (Humeral head) from rotating or dislocating out of the joint is very important. This is torn during dislocation or injury and needs to be repaired. At Alpha we do this Arthroscopically. This Procedure is called Bankarts repair (Torn Ruberry bump)Repairback to its original site of attachment. Usually three sutures (Sutures anchors) are necessary for repair.

When Rotator cuff surgery is Recommended?

Your doctor many recommend surgery for a form Rotator if your pain does not improve with nonsurgical methods. One of the indication for surgery is pain. If you are
active used your arm for overhead work, your doctor may suggest surgery.

Other signs that surgery may be good option for you include

  • Other signs that surgery may be good option for you include
  • You have a large tear (> 3 cm)
  • You have significant weakens & loss of function in your shoulder
  • Your tear was caused by recent, acute injury.

Our orthopaedic surgeon will discuss with you the best procedure to meet your individual needs

Rotator Cuff can be done by

1. Open Repair

2. Arthroscopic Repair

3. Mini open Repair

In the end patients rate all the three repair methods the same for pain relief.

Shoulder Sub Acromial Decompression

Shoulder dislocation Surgery/Bankarts Repair

Impingement/Rotator Cuff is the most common cause of pain of the shoulder joint.

The Shoulder is made up of 3 bones.

1. Upper Arm bone [Humerus]

2. Your shoulder blade [Scapula]

3. Your collar bone [Clavicle]

Your Arm is kept in your shoulder socket by your Rotator Cuff.

There is a lubricating sac called a bursa between the rotator cuff and the bone on top of your shoulder (Acromion). Impingement happen when you rise your Arms to shoulder height, the space between the Acromian [Roof] and the rotator cuff narrows. The Roof bone[Acromian] can rub against the tendon.

Do you with to have shoulder Arthroscopy for Impingement

We @ Alpha thoroughly assess you and take a detail history how grossly are your functions affected due to pain. Upon function investigation and by specific ‘y’ view or outlet view in x- ray, look for excess sharp edges of Acromian.

Our goal is to reduce pain & restore function.



Here our goal is to create more space for the rotator cuff. Arthroscpically we remove the inflamed bursa. As well we trim the sharp Acromial [Roof bone] spur. This is also knows as SubAcromial decompression.

We do it by Day care method where patient gets the procedure done and gets discharged the same day.


Post surgery your arm is placed is sling for a short period of time. This allows for early healing. As soon as your comfort allows we will remove the sling and begin exercise and use of Arm.